Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Bilingual Fun: Idea Exchange

Bilingual Fun: Idea Exchange


Miramos said...

I agree that learning time can be at any time. When I was potty training my daughter, we kept a Spanish book right next to the potty. She loved "Es hora de ir al baño"/ "It's potty time" (Smart Kids Publishing) by the potty. Another thing that made going to the potty a "double whammy" learning experience was simply playing with those foam bathtub alphabet letters and numbers. We would group all the colors together and go through the letters and numbers in Spanish. This is kind of embarrassing, but we also made up a song about going to the potty in Spanish. Here goes: "Pipí, popó ¿dónde estás? De la pancita sale ya, para limpiar y lavarnos bien, y a jugar otra vez." Translation: Pipi, poopoo, where are you? From my belly come out soon. So we can clean and wash ourselves well, and go to play all over again." We just chose a tune. I tickle her on the belly part and we do hand motions to wash our hands. We change the verb from "to play" to whatever activity we were doing before pottytime interrupted. It's silly and a little embarrassing when we are in a public restroom, and she is singing at the top of her lungs, but it's all about the learning, right?

Maestra Jen said...

Love the pipi, poopoo song! Very creative!!! my son just shouts ' termine!"

Julia said...

I love this blog. I'm tutoring three 3 year olds this year, and I'm going to use all of these tips, especially Mirror Mirror on the Wall... For the mothers (and fathers) wanting to brush up on Spanish, I recommend THINK SPANISH MAGAZINE. It's a great way to keep up your reading and listening comprehension. Plus, the articles are interesting! It's just as important for parents to keep up their grammar as their children!